- 141
- Context-sensitive Language
- A Wikipedia article which defines context sensitive languages in terms of context sensitive grammars which are defined in a linked article.
- 142
- Processing Natural and Formal Languages
- Lecture notes from a course at the University of Edinburgh, covering processing natural and artificial languages.
- 143
- Recursively Enumerable Language
- Wikipedia offers 3 equivalent definitions of recursively enumerable languages and states closure properties for certain operations.
- 144
- Recursively Enumerable Languages
- This site discusses denumerable sets and recursive and recursively enumerable languages
- 145
- Recursively Enumerable Languages
- This chapter shows that the family of regular languages is a proper subset of context free languages and the latter is a proper subset of recursively enumerable languages.
- 146
- Grammars for Regular Languages
- A series of pages showing that a regular grammar is either a right-linear or left-linear grammar.
- 147
- Regular Expression
- A Wikipedia article on regular expressions with an informal discussion, a formal definition and examples.
- 149
- Regular Language
- Basic definitions of regular languages, how they are generated, closure properties, and comparison with context free languages.
- 150
- Regular Languages
- This site gives a recursive definition of the class of regular languages, discusses its closure properties and gives examples.
- 151
- Uhlmann, Armin
- Professor of Theoretical Physics, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Leipzig, Germany.
- 152
- Życzkowski, Karol
- Associate Professor at the Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
- 153
- Heinrich-Heine-Universitat Dusseldorf
- Group formed by Dagmar Bruss. Research in classification of entangled states, quantum cloning and state estimation.
- 154
- Micro-analytical Research Centre Melbourne
- Melbourne Node of the Australian Research Council's Research Centre for Quantum Computer Technology. Based at the University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
- 155
- Polish National Quantum Information Centre
- Research group created as a collaboration of polish universities, based at the University of Gdańsk, Poland.
- 156
- Quantum Computing Group, Southern Illinois University
- Research in quantum compuation, simulating quantum systems, quantum information and quantum error correction.
- 157
- Quantum Computing at The Max Plank Institute
- An overview of quantum computer related research taking place at the Max Plank Institute. The primary focus is ion trap based computing. Selected reprints are available.
- 158
- Quantum Information Group
- Group at the Quantum Electronics Laboratory, Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland.