- 61
- id Quantique
- Site Of id Quantique, Inc. Products include a quantum random number generator,and a quantum cryptography system.
- 62
- Turing & Post Machines (C++ Simulators)
- C++ programs that simulate Deterministic and Nondeterministic Multitape Turing and Post Machines.
- 69
- Linear Bounded Automaton
- Wikipedia article defines LBA and shows their place in the Chomsky hierarchy.
- 70
- Linear-bounded Automaton
- Example of construction of an LBA to accept a particular context free language.
- 71
- Pushdown Automata
- A site with a formal definition of PDA, some examples and a proof that PDA accept context free languages.
- 73
- The Alan Turing Internet Scrapbook
- On-line extract from the book "Alan Turing: the enigma" by Andrew Hodges.
- 74
- Turing Machine Simulator
- A simulator which runs included programs such as a palindrome detector and also allows writing of programs.
- 75
- Turing machine
- Wikipedia Article on Turing machines, containing examples, history and further references.
- 76
- Finite State Parsers and Transducers
- Lecture notes on FST and their use in building parsers with examples implemented in Prolog.
- 77
- Finite State Transducers
- Wikipedia article with a formal definition and discussion of operators on FST.