Database Theory
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- Data Engineering Bulletin
- The quarterly newsletter of the IEEE on design, implementation, modeling, theory and application of database systems.
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- Database and Artificial Intelligence Group, TU Vienna, Austria
- Research focus is on database systems and theory and the connection between databases and AI.
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- Hasselt University
- Research group on theoretical computer science (foundations of XML, data mining, bioinformatics)
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- Nykredit Center for Database Research
- Aims to intensify research in database technology in Denmark. Research projects in temporal databases, data warehousing, spatio-temporal databases, and world-wide-web data management.
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- Penn Database Research Group
- Home page of the database research group at the University of Pennsylvania.
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- Simon Fraser University
- Intelligent Database Systems Research Laboratory. Research and development of data mining and data warehousing technology.
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- Stanford University Infolab
- Database research group homepage. Research, Academic Contacts, some Technical tips.
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- Technische Universitaet Dresden
- Database Group. Research areas include multimedia databases, workflow management systems, document management, and information retrieval.
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- University of Freiburg
- Databases and Information Systems. Research areas include deductive object-oriented database languages, active and deductive databases, referential integrity, and temporal logics.
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- University of Michigan Database Group
- The database group at Michigan is focused on building the data management infrastructure for the twenty-first century.
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- University of Washington
- Database Research Group. Areas of focus include database techniques for the web and the management of heterogeneous and semistructured data, and theoretical issues relating to complexity and query containment.
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