Artificial Life subcat
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- Alife Games
- Developer of artificial life worlds as free software with open source code, with the eventual aim of creating true artificial intelligence. Applications include a dungeon generator written in C++, and a shooter game for Windows.
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- Artificial Life Links
- Erik Max Francis' categorized list of links to sites regarding artificial life and related fields.
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- Artificial Life by Jpr
- Some of the main alife topics illustrated by applets or applications. A link section is also available.
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- Boids: A Distributed Behavioral Model
- Simulations of group motion in flocks, herds, and schools, along with related phenomena. Includes many links to related applications and research, e.g. Artificial Life.
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- International Society of Artificial Life
- Portal with information on conferences, publications, and activities of the society.
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- Promotes the artificial life community by offering news, discussions, polls, software. Free registration.
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- glAnts
- A sourceforge project for a combination game and simulation that allows interaction with simple artificial ants.
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