Machine Learning
- 81
- New Scientific Brainstorming Software for Inventors -- Windows, Mac and Linux
- A software developed to help your team brainstorm. Words are replaced programmatically in user's idea sentence with new words from program categories perhaps creating ideas not formerly thought of. Includes word categories. [Commercial]
- 82
- Nieme: Classification, Regression, Ranking and Reinforcement Learning
- A machine learning library for classification, regression, ranking and reinforcement learning. It implements several well-known algorithms and is specially designed for large-scale applications. [GPL]
- 83
- Nonparametric Classification with Polynomial MPMC Cascades
- Scalable non-parametric classification with Polynomial MPMC Cascades for use in Matlab. [GPL]
- 84
- Open Source Computer Vision Library
- Open source computer learning system making use of the Bayesian inferencing engine. [GPL]
- 85
- PRAPI: Pattern Recognition Application Programmer's Interface
- A library for many pattern recognition tasks. The main focus of this package is on image analysis but utilizes a general architecture and XML-based data interchange format. Written in C++ [GPL]
- 86
- PRODIGY: An Architecture for Planning and Learning
- A system of research planning and learning utilizing explanation-based learning, partial evaluation, experimentation, graphical knowledge acquisition, automatic abstraction, mixed-initiative planning, and case-based reasoning. [Free]
- 87
- SMILE (Structural Modeling, Inference, and Learning Engine) with GeNIe
- SMILE (Structural Modeling, Inference, and Learning Engine) is a fully portable library of C++ classes implementing graphical decision-theoretic methods, such as Bayesian net-works and influence diagrams, directly amenable to inclusion in intelligent systems. Its Windows user interface, GeNIe is a versatile and user-friendly development environment for graphical decision-theoretic models. Both modules, developed at the Decision Systems Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh. Registration is required for download. [GPL]
- 88
- SUBDUE: Graph Based Knowledge Discovery
- A program which discovers interesting and repetitive subgraphs in labeled graph representations using the minimum description length principle. Includes applications to molecular biology. [Free]
- 89
- Scalable Machine Learning for Massive Datasets: Fast Summation Algoritms
- Several algoritms with papers on Fast kernel density estimation, Improved Fast Gauss Transformation, and Fast ranking. Some unpublished papers are also included. [GPL]
- 90
- SenseClusters
- Programs to cluster similar contexts together using unsupervised knowledge-lean methods for word sense discrimination, email categorization, and name discrimination. Written in Perl. [GNU]
- 91
- Sorting Algorithms for Machine Learning
- Various sorting algorithms including insertion, quick, merge, heap, Dutch National Flag, and radix with on-line demos. [Free]
- 92
- The AutoClass Project
- A database of cases described by a combination of real and discrete valued attributes, and automatically finds the natural classes in that data. It can be seen as a Naive Bayes classifier where the class node is hidden. [Free]
- 93
- The Leibniz Software System
- A formal system for constructing artificial intelligent software agents from the book, 'Design of Logic-based Intelligent Systems' covering such topics as production rules, neural nets, support vector machines, fuzzy logic, and Bayesian networks. License is given through purchase of the book alone. [COMM]
- 94
- The Lisa Project
- A production rule based system implemented in a Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) for the development of Lisp based intelligent software agents. [LGPL]
- 95
- Titan: Distributed Graph Database
- A Highly Scalable, Distributed Open Source Storage Database providing index free adjacency. [AL]
- 96
- Tree Visualizer
- Software which allows one to navigate (fly) through the data tree, zoom in on interesting nodes, click on bars to get counts, and mark interesting places in the tree. Includes datasets for automobiles, voting, produce, and medical research. Uses LEDA, ([AFL] licensed only). [GPL]
- 97
- UMDHMM and other statistical programs
- This tool implements Hidden Markov Models and application to part-of-speech tagging. Also available; a multivariate hypothesis testing software for gaussian data, and a groundtruth/metadata editing and visualizing toolkit for OCR. [GPL]
- 98
- VIBES: Variational Inference for Bayesian Networks
- A software package which allows variance-modeled posterior inference to be performed automatically on a Bayesian network. [GPL]