Machine Learning
- 41
- Computational Learning - Royal Holloway, University of London
- Research on machine learning theory, kernel methods for text analysis, support vector machines, kernel theory.
- 42
- Freiburg Recognition of ON-line HANDwriting (Frog On Hand)
- An on-line handwriting recognition engine based upon statistical dynamic time warping (SDTW) and support vector machines with a Gaussian DTW kernel (SVM-GDTW).
- 43
- Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit - University College London
- Research on neural computational theories of perception and action, with an emphasis on learning.
- 44
- Knowledge Acquisition & Machine Learning Lab - University of Bari
- Research on symbolic and numerical approaches to machine learning, first order logic, intelligent document processing, spatial data mining, human-computer interaction.
- 45
- Knowledge Acquisition and Machine Learning Group - University of Ottawa
- Research projects mainly focused on text: Intelligent Information Access, Text Summarization, Text Analysis for Knowledge Acquisition.
- 46
- Learning Lab at CMU, School of Computer Science
- Software systems that learn user preferences, Robot learning, text learning, generic learning methods.
- 47
- Machine Learning Group - University of Bristol
- Research on higher-order concept learning, inductive logic programming, multi-agent learning systems, integration of prior knowledge, induction and deduction, incremental learning, hybrid symbolic/connectionist approaches, evolutionary strategies.
- 48
- Machine Learning Lab - The Hebrew University
- Research projects on learning in human-machine interaction, natural language interface to the WWW, statistical analysis of neurophysiological data, self-organization of proteins, nonlinear acoustic signal processing.
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- Machine Learning Research Group - UTCS
- Research on General Inductive Learning, Inductive Logic Programming, Natural Language Learning, Qualitative Modeling and Diagnosis, Learning for Planning and Problem Solving. Recommender Systems and Text Categorization Student Modeling for Intelligent Tutoring Systems Text Data Mining Theory and Knowledge Refinement.
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- Machine Learning Research Group - UW-Madison
- Research on information retrieval and extraction, bioinformatics, connectionist models, hybrid systems.
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- Machine Learning and Genetic Algorithms group - University of Turin
- Research on learning first-order classification rules, first-order concept descriptions, genetic algorithms, neural networks, computational learning theory.
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- Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory - GMU
- Research on Theories of Learning, Inference, and Discovery Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, User Modeling and Intrusion Detection, Non-Darwinian Evolutionary Computation, Machine Vision through Learning, Education.
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- Probabilistic and Statistical Inference - University of Toronto
- Research on computational machine learning tools and theoretical frameworks with applications in computational molecular biology, computer vision, sensory processing, and iterative decoding.
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- Robot Learning Laboratory - CMU
- Research on Localization and Mapping, Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes, Computer Vision and Image Processing, Robot Architectures and Programming Languages, Learning Algorithms.
- 55
- Alexa - Top 20 Machine Learning Software Websites
- Top 20 machine learning software websites for this DMOZ category ranked by [FREE]
- 56
- Bayes++: Open Source Bayesian Filtering Classes
- A library of C++ classes for Bayesian Filtering of discrete systems. [MIT]
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- Bow: A Toolkit for Statistical Language Modeling, Text Retrieval, Classification and Clustering
- A library of C code useful for writing statistical text analysis, language modeling, and information retrieval programs. The current distribution includes the library, as well as front-ends for document classification (rainbow), document retrieval (arrow) and document clustering (crossbow). [LGPL]
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- C4.5 and FOIL
- The home page of R. Quinlan with FTP links to FOIL (inductive logic programming) and C4.5 (learning decision trees). [LGPL]