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Excel Technology Group

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Scan day: 06 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Manufactures traffic and public transport management technology.
Welcome to Excel Technology Group | Excel Technology Group P/L | ETG Detection, Classification & WIM Excel wins M5 West Widening Project ETG is providing in excess of 50 Incident Detection Outstation sites to the $400 million M5 West Widening Project. The project will reduce travel time for motorists through the expansion of surface and capacity to three lanes. This widening will utilise incident detection technology for early detection and management of congestion and motorway incidents.
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Page title:Welcome to Excel Technology Group | Excel Technology Group P/L | ETG
Keywords:wim, weigh in motion, vehicle classification, classification, counting, vehicle, traffic, traffic analysis, weigh, motion, solutions, xl1000, xl 1000, video detection, vehicle detection, loop, piezo, excel, technology, excel technology group, ITS, highway, motorway, transport, traffic management, ITS, intelligent, weight, classification, classify, class, counter, portable, detection, weight, motion, wim, WIM, W I M, w i m, counter, counter classifier
Description:Excel Technology Group specialises in solutions for road network analysis; weigh in motion, vehicle detection and classification, video detection.