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Scan Relation

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Scan day: 13 February 2014 UTC
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Description: UK. Suppliers of microprocessor controlled hot, cold and ultrasonic length cutting machines for narrow fabrics and tapes. Also, stacke feeders, and punching and marking machines. Technical information and operating instructions.
Hot Knife Cutter, Strip Cutter - Scan Relation Hot knife cutter and strip cutter machines for narrow fabrics Reduce Your Cutting Costs/Avoid Wastage/Improve Product Quality Do you need to measure and cut narrow materials to length? then you have found a solution, the Suhr automatic strip cutter from Denmark. If you need to measure and cut materials such as webbing, elastic, Velcro, high-viz tape, zip tape, ribbon, magnetic strip, Kevlar, Nomex, rope, cord, braid, flat ribbon cable, heat shrink tubing etc. then look no further. Hundreds of these machines are in use across the United Kingdom and around the world in a variety of industries including air bags, fall arrest harness
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Page title:Hot Knife Cutter, Strip Cutter - Scan Relation
Keywords:hot knife cutter, strip cutter, suhr, length cutter, strip cutter
Description:Hot knife cutter supplier Scan Relation provide a wide range of hot knife cutter machinery. A proud suppliers of the famous Suhr length / strip cutter.