- 101
- Western Environmental Liner Co
- USA. Custom fabricators of environmental liners, tarps and curtains for geotechnical and environmental applications. Technical information and product specifications. Price charts. Part of Western AG Enterprise, Inc.
- 102
- Aqua Geocomposites, Ltd
- UK. Distributors of catch pits and pipes, geotextiles and geocomposites for permanent-way drainage and under-track crossing systems. Extensive product information and technical specifications.
- 103
- Aquadam and Diversion, Ltd
- Canada. Distributors of portable and reusable dams for water control projects, coffer damming, environmental pollution confinement and silt control. Detailed design descriptions and engineering specifications. User's guide on-line, and on PDF files, requiring Acrobat Reader.
- 104
- CSI Geosynthetics
- Canada. Distributors of geosynthetics and erosion control materials. Links to manufacturers sites, technical information and industry news.
- 105
- CSI/Geoturf, Inc
- USA. Sales, marketing and distribution of geosynthetics and turfgrass. Detailed product descriptions and specifications. Product selection and installation guides, and design software. Downloadable documents on PDF files. Requires Acrobat Reader.
- 106
- Checkmate Geosynthetics
- Canada. Suppliers of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene geogrid products for highways, grade seperations, slope stability, retaining walls and airport runway applications. Also, geogrids, clayliners, geotextiles and geomembranes. Technical information and specifications. Directory of North American distributors.
- 107
- Cosio Plastics
- New Zealand. Suppliers of woven, knitted and nonwoven fabrics, plastic films and linings, and geotextiles for construction and building, industrial, and horticultural and agricultural applications. Extensive technical information and product specifications on PDF files. Fabrication services.
- 108
- Crow Co
- USA. Distributors of woven and nonwoven geotextiles, and geosynthetic products for mining, transportation, industrial and specialty applications. Custom fabrication services. Link to AASHTO geotextile specifications.
- 109
- DeWitt Co
- USA. Suppliers of woven, knitted and nonwoven fabrics for landscaping, shading, plant protection, erosion control, ground covering and tree care applications. Detailed fabric catalogs, including technical information and specifications.
- 110
- Flexible Lining Products, Ltd
- UK. Suppliers of a wide range of geomembrane and geotextile materials, and related landscape fabrics for aquatic, landscape, horticulture, agriculture and commercial applications. Technical information.
- 111
- Gayatri Polymers & Geosynthetics
- India. Suppliers of jute, coir and polypropylene woven and needlepunch nonwoven geotextiles. Also, geogrids and nets, membranes, clay liners and geocomposites.
- 112
- GeoPex Products Europe BV
- The Netherlands. Suppliers of woven and nonwoven fabrics for civil engineering, geotechnical and agricultural applications, from polyester, polypropylene and polyethylene. English and Dutch.
- 113
- Geofelt GmbH
- Austria. Suppliers of a wide range of woven and nonwoven geotextiles, liners and geomembranes, geogrids and erosion control products. Also, geocomposites, pipes, fittings and accessories. Detailed product catalogs, including technical information. Product specifications on PDF files.
- 114
- Geosynthetic Systems
- Canada. Distributors of woven and nonwoven geotextiles, geomembranes and pond liners, erosion and sediment control products, gabion baskets, landscape supplies and drainage products. Detailed product catalogs, including technical information, product specifications and links to manufacturers' sites.
- 115
- Geosynthetics, Ltd
- UK. Suppliers of geosynthetic fabrics and products for biodegradable erosion control, grass protection and cellular confinement. Extensive technical information.
- 116
- Geotechnical Supply, Inc
- USA. Distributors of geogrids, geomembrane liners, erosion control blankets and geotextiles. Also, turbidity curtains, curtain floating, oil spill containment booms, spill kits, and sorbents.
- 117
- Granite Environmental, Inc
- USA. Suppliers of woven and nonwoven geotextiles, geosynthetics, inlet filters, barriers and containment booms for pollution prevention, erosion control, sediment runoff and stormwater sheetflow control. Extensive technical information. Links to related sites.
- 118
- Ground Cover Industries, Inc.
- USA. Suppliers of woven and nonwoven geotextiles for landscaping and pondlining, sediment and erosion control fabrics and blankets, and natural burlap rolls. Also, truck tarps, shade cloth and accessories. Detailed FAQ.