Flat Fee MLS
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Scan day: 19 May 2019 UTC
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Description: List your home on the MLS today for as low as $79. Call us today to inquire. 561-810-2692 Receive a professional MLS listing in your local MLS with all the information that 6% agents provide, PLUS all the cost saving benefits of selling as a FSBO "For Sale By Owner" for a flat fee of as low as $79.
Flat Fee MLS Listing - FSBO and MLS listing as low as $79 90% of home’s in the U.S. are sold on MLS. Get your listing in front of local agents and save on agent listing fees! Sell Smarter. Sell Faster. Sell for More! Take away the headache and hire a Real Estate Professional at half the costs of a traditional real estate brokerage company.
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Contact Information
Email:Send Message
Phone&Fax: 5618102692
Address: 1500 Gateway Blvd, Suite 220, Boynton Beach, FL 33426
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Page title: | Flat Fee MLS Listing - FSBO and MLS listing as low as $79 |
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Description: | List home on MLS today for as low as $79. 561-903-6902. MLS listing in your local MLS with all the info that 6% agents provide, PLUS all the cost saving benefits of selling as a FSBO "For Sale By Owner" for a flat fee. |
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NS | Name Server: NS1.PUREEQUITY.US Name Server: NS2.PUREEQUITY.US |
WHOIS | Status: clientDeleteProhibited https://icann.org/epp Domain Status: clientRenewProhibited https://icann.org/epp Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited https://icann.org/epp Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited https://icann.org/epp Name Server: NS1.PUREEQUITY.US |
Date | Creation Date: 2018-09-26T20:55:49Z Last update of whois database: 2019-05-19T18:56:24Z <<< Expiry Date: 2019-09-26T20:55:49Z |