News and Media
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- Broker's Insider
- Newsletters, books, and resources to help owners and managers of residential agencies. Including information on recruiting and hiring agents, compensation, marketing, technology and regulations.
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- David Lawson's Articles
- Series of UK specific property related articles; topics include technology and its impact on land values, commercial factors, and growth of outsourcing.
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- GhostDigest
- Articles, news and views about property conveyancing in South Africa. Covering developments in property law, electronic conveyancing, legislation, comparative international property law and legal software.
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- Inman News Features
- Provides real estate news and an e-mail newsletter with links to their latest articles
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- Institutional Real Estate, Inc.
- Publishers of The Letter, Newsline, European Quarterly, Global Quarterly, High Return Quarterly and Surreal Estate. Includes profile, publication, and subscription and sponsor information.
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- Investment news and analysis of the Canadian real estate market by Ozzie Jurock and guests.
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- Multi-Housing News
- Source for multi-housing investment, development, financing, leasing and management news.
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- Online Real Estate Perspectives
- Syndicated e-zine of the movements and practices of marketing, selling, and buying real estate online.
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- Property Review
- Online property newspaper dealing with residential, commercial and investment property in Australia and the Asia Pacific region. News, research and opinion covering all sectors of property.
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- Real Estate Profiles
- Profiles top agents to gain business methods and selling tips and techniques. Includes current news plus columnists and interviews.
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-, Inc
- News and articles related to commercial property transactions and trends in California.
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- New Home Know-how
- Blog offering training articles, videos, and podcasts geared towards the new home industry.
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