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Description: Central index of economics research, including working papers, articles and software code from the University of Connecticut.
IDEAS: Economics and Finance Research RePEc services are free for all parties as they are run by Help RePEc and get material listed Welcome to the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and available freely on the Internet. Over 1,500,000 items of research can be browsed or searched, and over 1,300,000 can be downloaded in full text! This site is part of a large volunteer effort to enhance the free dissemination of research in Economics,
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Page title: | IDEAS: Economics and Finance Research |
Keywords: | Economics, working papers, research papers, IDEAS |
Description: | IDEAS is a central index of economics and finance research, including working papers, articles and software code |
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WHOIS | Status: clientTransferProhibited |
Date | Creation Date: 27-Feb-2000 15:05:13 UTC Expiry Date: 27-Feb-2015 15:05:13 UTC |