Management Science
- 141
- ICFAI Center for Management Research
- The research wing of ICFAI, develops quality courseware and management case studies.
- 144
- Australasian chapter of the Association for Information Systems
- Includes information about research centers, discussion lists and news groups, associations, and recent and upcoming conferences.
- 145
- ICEB2007: International Conference on Electronic Business
- The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, 2-6 December 2007. Submission Deadline: 1 September 2007. (September 01, 2007)
- 147
- ETAPS 2002 -- European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
- Grenoble, France, 25 March - 2 April 2002. Submission deadline: 19 October 2001. (October 19, 2001)
- 148
- 2002 International Conference on Software Engineering
- Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19-25 May 2002. Submission deadline: 10 September 2001. (September 10, 2001)
- 149
- ISECON 2001 -- Information Systems Education Conference
- Cincinnati, 1-4 November 2001. Submission deadline: 1 May 2001. (May 01, 2001)
- 150
- UML 2001 -- Fourth International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language
- Modeling Languages, Concepts and Tools'. Toronto, Canada, October 1 - 5, 2001. Submission deadline: 14 March 2001. (March 14, 2001)
- 151
- IFETS - Special Issue on Educational Systems
- This special issue will deliver a state-of-the-art overview of successful interoperability cases and will provide guidelines for future research provided from researchers and interoperability experts from different communities interested in making educational systems interoperable. Publication Date: April 2006. Deadline for submission: 30 September 2005. (September 30, 2005)
- 152
- MTSR'05: Metadata and Semantics Research
- On-Line Conference, 21-30 November 2005. Paper Submission Deadline: 25 July 2005. (July 25, 2005)
- 153
- CIIW 2005: International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures
- Linköping, Sweden, 17-18 May 2005. Submission deadline: 15 March 2005. (March 15, 2005)
- 154
- METRICS 2005: International Software Metrics Symposium
- Como, Italy, 19-22 September 2005. Abstract submission deadline: 23 February 2005 (February 23, 2005)
- 155
- NLDB05 - International Conference on Application of Natural Language to Information Systems
- Alicante, Spain, 15-17 June 2005. Paper submission deadline: 22 January 2005. (January 22, 2005)
- 156
- iiWas 2006: Information Integration and Web Based Applications & Services
- Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 4-6 December 2006. Full Papers Submission: 1 August 2006. (August 01, 2006)
- 157
- ISIS: International Symposium of Information Systems
- Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India, 16-18 December 2006. Submission deadline: 15 Juli 2006. (June 15, 2006)
- 158
- CoopIS 2006: Cooperative Information System
- Montpellier, France, 1-3 November 2006. Paper Submission Deadline: 10 June 2006. (June 10, 2006)