Management Science
- 61
- JECR: Journal of Electronic Commerce Research
- A quarterly peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum to share knowledge and report new advances on all topics related to electronic commerce including their theoretical foundations, infrastructure and enabling technologies.
- 62
- JIBC: Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce
- A quarterly Internet publication about current issues in electronic banking and online commerce. Archive of analytical articles and ecommerce information.
- 63
- JITE -- Journal of Information Technology Education
- JITE is published in print by subscription and its articles also appear online free of charge.
- 64
- JMIS -- Journal of Management Information Systems
- A journal from the Leonard N. Stern School of Business - New York University.
- 65
- Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction
- THCI is a high-quality, peer-reviewed, online international scholarly journal on Human-Computer Interaction; oriented to the Information Systems community, emphasizing applications in business, managerial, organizational, and cultural contexts.
- 67
- MISQ Central
- an electronic production of the peer reviewed scholarly journal, MIS Quarterly. MISQ publishes research concerning both the management of information technology and the use of information technology for managerial and organizational purposes.
- 68
- Agile Bridge Building
- Operational level discussion of some of the problems associated with pattern based, agile software, and extreme programming (XP) development philosophies
- 69
- Birds-Eye Network Services, LLC
- Articles on broadband operations, engineering, marketing, telemedicine and information technology.
- 72
- Platform Independent Computing
- A management overview and discussion of platform neutral, browser-based applications. It covers advantages and disadvantage of using them, what they are, and what they are not.
- 73
- Reducing Dependence on Proprietary Systems
- Practical information for managers who wish to reduce their shop's dependence on a single proprietary technology or platform.By John Repici.
- 74
- The Development and Use of Executive Information Systems
- The results of a study that contributes to the body of knowledge of EIS and should be of interest to both the academic and professional EIS communities.
- 75
- The Un-Methodology
- Article about managing software development. A gathering together and restating of some old ideas that may have "gone without saying" for too long.
- 76
- American Management and Business Administration Institute
- A free online certificate course in business management and administration.
- 77
- Compliance Online
- Offers training on regulations affecting different industries through online webinars, learn the best practices, and download quality standards, checklists and news articles.
- 78
- Master Class Management
- Free course offers real-life manager and leadership situations, mixed with examples of MBA theory.