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Zentec Limited

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Scan day: 02 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Consulting company for standard work, kanban, and kaizen. Coaches clients in the rapid deployment of these tools to generate a quick payback. Downloadable features to get started.
Lean Manufacturing and Lean Office gives business productivity improvements "Results tell their own tale!" says Leading polymer manufacturer "Zentec's superb 'Lean Process' training helped us to identify and deal with internal barriers that complicate our day-to-day jobs" Exel Logistics
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Page title:Lean Manufacturing and Lean Office gives business productivity improvements
Keywords:lean manufacturing, lean office, toyota, profit increase, 5S, 7 wastes, lean process management, business process improvement, continuous improvement, lean office, private equity support
Description:Business Improvement training and consulting utilising lean manufacturing principles. Coaching of Lean tools and leading management techniques to deliver a skill transfer to client personnel. Continuous improvement processes that deliver operating profit improvements through waste reduction.