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U.S. Apple Association

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Scan day: 20 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Serving the apple industry by representation on national issues, promotion of apples and apple products, and providing information. Sections tailored to consumers, educators, industry, and media.
Apples and apple products help promote a healthy lifestyle for you and your family. Blog with USApple about apples and apple products. Apple meals and snacks for any occasion, any time of day. Join today and start taking advantage of USApple’s many member benefits!
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Phone&Fax: 703.442.8850


Page title:U.S. Apple Association
Keywords:U.S. Apple Association
Description:USApple is the apple industry's voice on Capitol Hill and also provides consumers with the health benefits of apples and apple products. USApple has been in existence for over 100 years and was known as International Apple Shippers Association, National Apple Association and the International Apple Institute before being renamed United States Apple Association in 1986.