- 561
- Coonawarra Vignerons Association
- Located in South Australia; with an industry profile, winery directory and events list.
- 565
- Grampians Winemakers
- Located in Victoria; with a region profile, winery list, and restaurant details.
- 566
- Heathcote Winegrowers Association
- Located in Victoria; with winery directory, map, news, and awards.
- 567
- Langhorne Creek Wine Region
- Located in South Australia, with industry profile, news, and winery directory.
- 568
- Limestone Coast Wine Industry Council Inc.
- Located in South Australia; with news, regional information, and wine show details.
- 569
- Macedon Ranges Vignerons Association
- Located in Victoria; with wineries guide, map, and festival guide.
- 570
- McLaren Vale Grape, Wine and Tourism Association
- Located in South Australia; with region profile, winery links, and news.
- 571
- Mildura Murray Darling Wine Industry Association
- Located in Victoria; with industry news, map, and events list.
- 573
- Mornington Peninsula Vignerons Association
- Located in Victoria; with a directory of wineries and events list.
- 574
- Mount Barker Wine Producers Association
- Located in Western Australia; with cellar door information, events list, and region profile.
- 575
- Mount Gambier Regional Winegrowers Association
- Located in South Australia; with a region profile, winery list, and news.
- 576
- Mount View Tourism Association
- Located in New South Wales; with winery list, news, and photographs.
- 577
- Mudgee Wine Region
- Located in New South Wales; with an events calendar, winery list, and region profile.
- 578
- Murray Valley Winegrowers
- Incorporating the Murray Valley and Swan Hill regions; with industry news, maps, and newsletters.