- 561
- USA - Missouri Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (MAMIC)
- Association is made up of more than 100 Property and Casualty mutual insurers domiciled in Missouri. Site provides membership with educational meetings, materials, newsletters, and forms.
- 562
- USA - New Jersey - Insurance Council of New Jersey (ICNJ)
- An insurance research, information and advocacy organization sponsored licensed property and casualty insurance companies providing consumer awareness, education and advocacy.
- 563
- United Kingdom - British Insurance Brokers' Association (BIBA)
- Trade association of general insurance brokers. Information for both brokers and consumers, press releases, and membership.
- 564
- United Kingdom - Motor Insurers' Information Centre (MIIC)
- Established by the insurance industry to oversee, on their behalf, the development and ongoing management of the Motor Insurance Database (MID).
- 565
- Mutual Service Office (MOS)
- Provides custom rate and statistical service on property and casualty lines for small to midsize insurers. Serve both mutual and stock companies in the northeastern United States.
- 566
- National Underwiting, Inc.
- Insurance investigation, underwriting, and policy interviews for auto and residential insurance policies.
- 567
- Risk and Insurance Services Consulting (RISC)
- Fee-based consulting services for businesses and individuals. Property and Casualty only - no Health or Life Insurance consulting.
- 568
- International - American Association of State Compensation Insurance Funds
- An association of workers' compensation insurance companies from 27 different states, plus 11 workers' compensation boards in Canada.
- 569
- USA - Arkansas Self-Insurers Association (ASIA)
- An association for self-insurers who work for the betterment of workers' compensation laws.
- 570
- USA - Florida - Association of Workers' Compensation Claims Professionals (WCCP)
- A nonprofit organization whose primary purpose is to raise the professionalism in the community through education and communication.
- 571
- USA - Florida Workers' Compensation Institute, Inc. (FWCI)
- A non-profit educational organization offering information and links throughout the USA. Includes information from past conferences and the schedule of upcoming conferences and seminars.
- 572
- USA - Minnesota Workers' Compensation Insurers Association (MWCIA)
- A non-profit corporation licensed by the State of Minnesota as a Data Service Organization. Includes searches, forms, tools, and links.
- 573
- Compcheck Risk Services, Inc.
- Offers workers' compensation open reserve auditing, experience modification verification, and payroll verification.
- 574
- Empire Pacific Risk Management, Inc.
- Self-insurance group administration and risk management company specializing in workers compensation in the Pacific Northwest region of the USA.
- 575
- WorkComp Premium Recovery Group
- Workers' compensation premium auditors and consultants, also available as expert witnesses.
- 577
- Advanced Field Services (AFS)
- US-wide provider of inspection and risk reporting services to the insurance and real estate industries.
- 578
- American Risk Control
- Western US - providing the insurance industry with risk management reports since 1985.