Noise and Vibration Control
- 41
- Vibra-Analysis,Inc.
- Offers vibration analysis for csi mastertrend users and databases remotely over the internet. Provide analysis and reports which enhance predictive maintenance program.
- 42
- Vibratech Ltd.
- Offer engineering solutions for the vibration industry. Services include maintenance, repair, calibration, installation, site planning, and technical support. United Kingdom.
- 43
- Vibro-Acoustic Consultants
- Consultancy specializing in noise and vibration control,from site selection to structural dynamics to building qualification.
- 44
- Anco Engineers Inc.
- Provide custom test and vibration testing and mitigation systems. Products include servo-hydraulic and servo-motor shake tables, single axis sinusoidal shake tables, and eccentric mass vibrators.
- 45
- Audio Video Lighting Electronics Corporation
- Sound Masking Systems improves office acoustics by masking office noises with an electronic masking sound.
- 46
- DRA Laboratories
- MLSSA acoustical measurement system and remote controlled analog interface. Online product literature, documentation and white papers.
- 47
- Data Physics Corporation
- Noise and vibration oriented products for (1) vibration testing and (2) data acquisition and analysis. Test products include shakers and shaker controllers. Acquisition and analysis products include dynamic signal analyzers.
- 48
- Mecason
- Continuous monitoring systems for rotating machinery using inner noise measurement. Improves the reliability and the safety of your equipment, while reducing maintenance costs.
- 50
- Russells Technical Products Inc.
- Design and manufacture environmental test chambers and provide a varied product line including both pre-engineered and custom products.
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- Catt
- Software for room acoustics prediction, auralization and studio sterio and surround reverberation. Software downloads, conference papers and a distributors listing.
- 52
- INSUL Sound Insulation Prediction Software
- A program for predicting the sound insulation of walls, floors, ceilings and windows. Website describes theoretical background for the estimates of the Transmission Loss (TL) and Weighted Sound Reduction Index (STC).
- 53
- Sound Measurement Labo
- Software and clips to demonstrate how to measure noise using your own computer with a number of concrete examples.
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- SoundPLAN Software
- A modeling and presentation tool, that allow the user to visualize the effects of noise propagation throughout plants, factories, theme parks or along road and railroad lines.
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- VibroTek, Inc.
- Development and support of complete software systems for condition monitoring, automatic diagnostics and long term forecast of the machine condition and rotor balancing. Russia.
- 56
- Acoustics & Vibration Technologies
- Machine vibration analysis and data logging devices form Commtest Instruments. A range of products including the VB Series and Ascent PC Software.
- 58
- Canadian Machinery Vibration Association
- A non-profit association whose fields of interest include machinery dynamics and all aspects of condition monitoring and predictive maintenance of machinery, especially vibration monitoring and analysis.