- 61
- International Hydropower Association
- Members include corporations, engineers, researchers, educational establishments, and individuals working or studying in the field of hydropower. Promotes the awareness of the role hydropower can play in sustainable development implemented in an environmentally and socially acceptable way.
- 62
- International Journal on Hydropower and Dams
- International technical and business journal for the hydroelectric and dam engineering professions, and for water resources development and management. Contains subscription information, an industry directory, and statistics.
- 63
- International Network on Small Hydro Power
- A non-profit organization that promotes the development of small hydro power worldwide as a clean, renewable means of rural electrification.
- 64
- Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Features company overview, historical background, resources, official documents and board members.
- 65
- Landsvirkjun
- Specializing in the production of electricity from emission free renewable energy sources in Iceland.
- 66
- Nam Theun 2 Power Company Limited
- Details of a collaborative effort between Lao PDR and Thailand to export 995 MW of electricity to Thailand by 2009.
- 67
- New Energy Corporation Inc.
- Manufacturer of hydrokinetic power generation systems for generating electricity from tides and rivers.
- 68
- Norcan Hydraulic Turbine Inc.
- Canadian manufacturer of hydraulic turbines and turbine components serving the small and mini hydro, manufacturing and services market.
- 69
- Ocean Power Technologies
- Uses off-shore buoys to capture wave energy. Lists technologies, current projects, and an FAQ.
- 70
- Powerpal UK
- Contact information and product descriptions for this supplier of micro-hydro power products for home and industry.
- 71
- Rainbow Power Company
- Designs, manufactures, sells and installs renewable energy equipment based on solar, wind, hydro and biomass energy sources.
- 72
- Russell Benussi Associates
- Appointed UK and European representatives for a number of leading manufacturers of equipment for the power and process industries.
- 73
- The European Marine Energy Centre
- Test sites provide ocean energy developers the opportunity to test full scale grid connected prototype devices in unrivaled wave and tidal conditions.
- 75
- Absolicon
- Design and sale of solar concentrators that is both photovoltaic and thermal and therefore generates both electricity and heat.
- 78
- Appalachian Renewable Power
- Design, sale and installation of solar systems based in south-east Ohio.