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- Neale Consulting Engineers
- Manufacture the Poldaw windpump intended for applications in developing countries where it delivers benefits of low maintenance, value for money and minimal environmental impact.
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- Outdoor Water Solutions
- Springdale, Arkansas [US] manufacturer of aeration windmills and pond care products links to dealer locations.
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- Superior Windmill, Inc.
- Regina, Saskatchewan [Canada] manufacturer of windmill aeration systems help clean and circulate water in ponds, lakes, dugouts, golf courses, farms and fish hatcheries. FAQ.
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- African Wind Energy Association AfriWEA
- AfriWEA is a non-profit organisation formed in 2002 to encourage manufacturers, developers, governments, renewable energy owners and individuals to promote and support wind energy development on the African continent.
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- American Wind Energy Association
- A lobbying force for wind development and voice for wind manufacturers in the United States. Includes wind energy information.
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- Bundesverband Windenergie e.V.
- The German Wind Energy Association (BWE) has about 7272 individual and corporate members. This makes the BWE the largest individual association for renewable energies in Germany. The BWE represents the interests of wind turbine operators and all individuals who support wind energy.
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- Canadian Wind Energy Association
- CanWEA's Mission is to represent the wind energy community - organizations and individuals - and to support development and application of all aspects of wind energy including the promotion of a suitable policy environment
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- Danish Wind Industry Association
- Offers coverage of wind energy resources and wind turbine technology, meteorology, economics, research and development, and environmental aspects of renewable energy.
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- European Wind Energy Association
- The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) is a non profit, non governmental association. with a membership consisting mainly of national affiliated societies, companies/organisations involved in wind related activities.
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- Global Wind Energy Council
- This site provides a global forum for the wind energy sector uniting the wind energy industry and its representative wind energy associations.
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- Hull Wind, Hull, MA Wind Energy Project
- Home of Hull, Massachusetts renewable energy project. Features video, images, and news about the wind turbine erected on the shoreline in Hull, MA for a source of energy serving the community.
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- Illinois Renewable Energy Association
- IREA is a group of people who are interested in energy efficiency, renewable energy and earth friendly technology.
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- Indian Wind Energy Association
- Promotes awareness of the benefits of wind energy among sectors of industry and government.
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- Irish Wind Energy Association
- The site is a resource for IWEA members and others interested in the promotion of wind energy in Ireland. It contains information on the work of the IWEA and its members.
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- STY Suomen Tuulivoimayhdistys ry - Finish Wind Energy Association
- The Finnish Wind Power Association is an organization set up to promote wind power in Finland. It has operated since 1988. Some pages are in English
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- B9 Energy
- B9 Energy Services Ltd was formed in 1992 to develop wind farms in Northern Ireland. Since then, the company has developed ten wind farms across Ireland with an installed capacity of 93MW.