The Fan Attic
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Scan day: 05 February 2014 UTC
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Description: John and Pippa Brooker make period-style folding fans for sale or hire to the film and television industries, theatre, re-creators, and costumed guides. Antique fans are also repaired and framed.
Fanmaker of Period Folding Fans Welcome to the web pages of John and Pippa Brooker Formerly makers of period fans, we have now retired, but left these pages intact for your information and general interest.
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Page title: | Fanmaker of Period Folding Fans |
Keywords: | Fan,Fans,Fanmaking,Fan Hire,Fan Painting,Costume,Costume Hire,Costume Jewellery,Period Costume,Antique Fans,Antiques |
Description: | Homepage of John Brooker, Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Fanmakers, Period Fans made and hired to Film, Television, Theatre, Costumed Guides,Re-enactment, etc. |
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