Relight Productions B.V.
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Description: Lighting and rigging rentals and services for concerts, seminars, presentations, exhibitions, and theatre. View site in English or Dutch.
Relight Productions B.V. - Professional light and rigging facilities. Licht en rigging verhuur. RELIGHT PRODUCTIONS B.V. - HOGE BERGEN 2 - 4704 RH - ROOSENDAAL De firma Relight Productions B.V. is sinds 1984 gespecialiseerd in het geven van advies voor en verhuur van verlichting ten behoeve van o.a. beurzen, bedrijfsfeesten, evenementen, concerten, theater en presentaties. Dit vari end van lokale tot internationale projecten.
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Page title: | Relight Productions B.V. - Professional light and rigging facilities. Licht en rigging verhuur. |
Keywords: | licht, light, verlichting, belichting, lighting, verhuur, rental, hire, concert, seminar, congres, congress, presentatie, presentation, beurs, beurzen, exhibition, theater, evenement, event, produktie, production, tv, television, truss, scan, handtakel, motortakel, hoist, yoke, rigging, stage, lichtregie, lightoperator, bedrijfsfeest, bedrijfsfeesten, companies party, personeelsfeest, employees party, buitenverlichting, outdoor lighting, architectual lighting, sfeerverlichting, theaterverlichting, theatre lighting, concertverlichting, concert lighting, seminarverlichting, seminar lighting, presentatieverlichting, presentation lighting, evenementenverlichting, event lighting, beursverlichting, exhibition lighting, professionele verlichting, professional lighting, lichtontwerp, light design, ontwerp, design, theatertechniek, theatre techniques, lichtshow, lightshow, podiumverlichting, podium, buhne verlichting, stage lighting, evenementenverlichting, evenementen, event lighting, events, lichttechniek, light technique, techniek, lichtproduktie, light production, produktie, geautomatiseerd licht, automated lights, geautomatiseerd, automated, dmx, dmx protocol, computergestuurd licht, computerized lights, popfestival, rock 'n roll, festival, bewegend licht, moving lights, skylight, sky light, openlucht verlichting, lichtontwerp, light design, showverlichting, show lights, show, lichtplan, light plot, riggingplan, rigging plot, entertainment, openingsshow, opening show, loopkatten, trolly, trollies, loopcat, loopkat, ZFX, zfx, vlieg-effecten, meindl, veiligheidschoenen, helmen, werkschoenen, meindel, hijstechniek, rigging, evenementen, concerten, veiligheid, veiligheidslijnen, takels, lieren, truss, Ahoy, Heineken Music Hall, Gelredome, Jaarbeurs, RAI, rigger, grounder, Lodestar, vlieg effecten, hoists, winches, safety lines, concerts, events, harnas, harnesses, theatre, theater |
Description: | Relight Productions B.V. is a rental company that offers you professional lightequipment for concerts, seminars, presentations, exhibitions, theatre and any other event. |
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