MainBusinessArts and EntertainmentPhotography › ASMP American Society of Media Photographers - Chicago/Midwest Chapter

ASMP American Society of Media Photographers - Chicago/Midwest Chapter

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Scan day: 12 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Primarily representing photographers in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Iowa.
to create awareness of copyright issues, to encourage all photographers to register their work, and to provide the tools and information needed for registration. This is a question that comes up more often in the digital age. Photography as a practiced art form has a percevied low barrier to entry (some of us would say the price is still pretty high). Many people engage in some sort of photography almost everyday. Since the addition of the camera to the cell phone this is a tool that travels with most people everyday. Does that mean that when you are looking for photography work you don't have to be selective. Follow this link and read more..
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Contact Information

Phone&Fax: 312-733-7798


Page title:ASMP Chicago Midwest
Description:A trade association of professional publication photographers