News and Media
- 21
- Virginia Market News Service
- Virginia agriculture prices for livestock, feeder cattle, grain, vegetables, fruits, hay, poultry, eggs, cotton, tobacco, peanuts, and horticulture
- 22
- Wheat Life
- Monthly magazine about the wheat and small grains industries in Washington state, published by the Washington Association of Wheat Growers.
- 23
- Agricultural Writers South Africa
- About the Association, news, awards, photos of the month, and a newsletter.
- 24
- American Agricultural Editors Association
- Information about the association, the foundation, a list of jobs, events, scholarships and an internship program, and webinars.
- 25
- Australian Council of Agricultural Journalists
- The umbrella organisation for press clubs which focus on issues affecting rural and regional Australia provides an overview of the association.
- 26
- Guild of Agricultural Journalists of Great Britain
- Provides information about regional groups, membership, awards, dates and deadlines, and news.
- 28
- International Federation of Agricultural Journalists
- A non-political, professional association for agricultural journalists.
- 29
- Japan Agricultural Journalists' Association
- Some information about the association, workshops, and awards.
- 30
- Media for Environment, Science, Health and Agriculture
- Kenya Association of science reporters covering agriculture, the environment, health and development.
- 31
- New Zealand Guild of Agricultural Journalists & Communicators (NZGAJC)
- About the association, news, and information about awards.
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