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Jacqui Bennett Writers Bureau

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Scan day: 01 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Resources for writers in all genres. Markets, competitions, editing and critiquing services.
Jacqui Bennett Writers Bureau: For Writers Writing is here to help YOU become a published writer. This site is packed with information on writers' markets and writing competitions, and contains links to all the writers' resources you'll need.
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Page title:Jacqui Bennett Writers Bureau: For Writers Writing
Keywords:articles published, writing, fiction, courses, book publishing, article writing, UK markets for articles, magazine publishing, editing, writing course, poetry, critique, proof reading, publishing, short story competition, critique and editorial service, writers markets, short story markets, editorial services, writers help, writing a book, writers news, selling writing, editing, fiction, childrens fiction, getting published, markets for novels, how do I get my book published, writing a book, writing competition, help for writers, sell novel, sell short story, poetry competition
Description:Become a published writer: getting published, writing courses, competitions, critique, editorial and advisory services for writers in all genres