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Weiss, Thea

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Description: I prefer my prints to be unique states, rather than editions, because I feel they can tell a narrative as each stage progresses.
HOME - Thea Weiss - Online portfolio Thea Weiss © 2013 . All Rights Reserved.
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Page title:HOME - Thea Weiss - Online portfolio
Keywords:Australian based artist, Thea Weiss, was born in Denver, Colorado and schooled in New York, lived in Buenos Aires, London, Wellington, NZ and Israel, eventually settling in Sydney in 1984. Her early passions were fashion and journalism and she graduated from Parsons School of Design in New York and attended St Martin's School of Art in London, which culminated in a 20 year career in fashion illustration and writing. An interest in fine arts led to her return to university in 2004 for a BFA in painting at the National Art School in Sydney and an MA in printmaking at COFA, UNSW, Sydney, graduating in 2012. Thea has had solo exhibitions in Jewish and Holocaust museums in Australia in Sydney and Melbourne and in the U.S. in Richmond, Virginia and Houston, Texas. Her prints have been exhibited in group shows in Australia, China and Taiwan.
Description:Australian based artist, Thea Weiss, was born in Denver, Colorado and schooled in New York, lived in Buenos Aires, London, Wellington, NZ and Israel, eventually settling in Sydney in 1984. Her early passions were fashion and journalism and she graduated from Parsons School of Design in New York and attended St Martin's School of Art in London, which culminated in a 20 year career in fashion illustration and writing. An interest in fine arts led to her return to university in 2004 for a BFA in painting at the National Art School in Sydney and an MA in printmaking at COFA, UNSW, Sydney, graduating in 2012. Thea has had solo exhibitions in Jewish and Holocaust museums in Australia in Sydney and Melbourne and in the U.S. in Richmond, Virginia and Houston, Texas. Her prints have been exhibited in group shows in Australia, China and Taiwan.