- 1461
- IMDb: Dexter
- Show synopsis, episode guide, cast details, user reviews, message board, photograph gallery, videos, and production information.
- 1466
- The Hawaii Five-0 Fan Club
- Mailing list, fan fiction, media, trivia, character information, and screen captures.
- 1469
- Homicide: Life on the Street - The Coffee Room
- Cast list, humor, pictures, message board, and polls.
- 1470
- The Aquarium
- Show overview, fan created episode transcripts, favorite partnerships, and information on video and DVD releases.
- 1472
- IMDb: Justified
- Show synopsis, cast details, episode list, news, message board, photograph gallery, video clips, and production information.
- 1473
- IMDb: Karen Sisco
- Show overview, user comments, cast biographies, crew information, and message board.
- 1475
- IMDb: Kidnapped
- Cast biographies, crew details, user reviews, message board, and production information.
- 1476
- IMDb: Kojak
- User comments, cast biographies, crew details, quotes, trivia, and production information.
- 1477
- IMDb: Lie to Me
- Cast details, production information, user reviews, message board, photograph gallery, episode videos, and episode list.