- 281
- Radio Diaries
- Works with people to document their lives and adapt the material for "All Things Considered" documentaries. Includes story descriptions and audio, press, staff biographies, and resources for documentarians, including the "Teen Reporter Handbook."
- 283
- KMXT Kodiak Alaska
- Includes KMXT radio and television programming, volunteers, Alaska fisheries report, building project and photos.
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- Capital Public Radio Sacramento
- Stations include KXPR, KXJZ, KXSR, KUOP and KKTO. Schedules, live internet radio feed, featured news and music articles.
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- California Lutheran University radio station and NPR affiliate. Includes online streaming radio, news, program guide and message board.
- 287
- KCRW Santa Monica
- Alternative music from Santa Monica college. Live internet radio feed, news, schedules and audio archives.
- 288
- Classical music. A member of National Public Radio, and a service of the University of Southern California.
- 289
- Community radio station in Santa Cruz. Station profile, playlists, news, events and program guide.
- 293
- Huffington Post - Christians: Run As Fast As You Can From The Church Of Glenn Beck
- A church president attacks Beck's statement that people should leave any church that mentions social or economic justice as telling his listeners to disregard central tenets of their faith because they do not conform to his own political ideology. (March 11, 2010)
- 294
- Rev. James Martin - Glenn Beck to Jesus: Drop Dead
- Explains how social justice is an essential part of Catholic teaching, so Glenn Beck is basically telling people to leave the Catholic church. (March 08, 2010)
- 295
- Sean Hannity Evildoer
- Uses Bible quotes and commentary to expose Hannity as a true evildoer, an enemy of Jesus Christ and all true Christians.
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- Sean Hannity Show
- Official site of syndicated conservative talk show host, and co-host of Fox News Channel's Hannity and Colmes. Audio, show highlights, and contact information.
- 297
- Wikipedia - Thom Hartmann
- Provides biography, career data and beliefs of the nationally-syndicated radio show host.
- 298
- Common Dreams - The Real Boston Tea Party Was an Anti-Corporate Revolt
- Provides historical background data on the original Boston Tea Party to debunk the claims made by various big business supported right-wing groups protesting against President Obama. (April 15, 2009)
- 299
- Huffington Post. - How Wall Street Can Bail Itself Out Without Destroying the Dollar
- Advocates creation of an agency to fund the bailout, loan that agency the money from the treasury, and then have that agency tax Wall Street to pay the Treasury back. (September 26, 2008)
- 300
- Common Dreams - Ann Coulter and Justice Antonin Scalia to Synagogue - Jews Are Safer with Christians in Charge
- Counters Coulter and Scalia's views that the U.S. should be more theocratic by showing Puritan violence, and actions by the Founding Fathers to keep America from becoming a religious dictatorship. (October 12, 2007)