Sequence Dancing
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Scan day: 01 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Modern sequence dancing in England. Details of the new dances and links to events and places to dance.
If you find difficulty in reading the text, you can change the size by clicking on "Page" on the top bar, then "Text size" Sequence dancing is one of the most popular forms of social dancing for all ages 9-90 (yes 90 or even more!)
Size: 252 chars
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Page title: | Modern Sequence Dancing |
Keywords: | sequence dancing, sequence, modern, dancing, ballroom, dance, old time, latin, Bournemouth, dance association, clubs, social dancing, old tyme, new vogue, holidays, waltz, latest dances |
Description: | The main site for information about modern sequence dancing with news of the latest dances, clubs and forthcoming events. |
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