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Scan day: 01 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Features art and artists represented by 68 countries and the United Nations.
TIMOTCA; The International Museum of Twenty-first Century Art peace monument, PYE Ambassador Bearer of Peace This is an unparalleled time in human history. We are the first generation ever to see our small planet from space and to understand the vast implications of that incredible sight: One small home for all the Earth's People!
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Page title:TIMOTCA; The International Museum of Twenty-first Century Art peace monument, PYE Ambassador Bearer of Peace
Keywords:TIMOTCA, The International Museum of Twenty-first Century Art peace monument, PYE Ambassador Bearer of Peace, World Peace through Art, international peace monument, PYE the Ambassador, Bearer of Peace, international artists museums, TIMOTA, student art projects, limited edition prints, world nonprofit artists museum, original art, Pyepanda, PyeBearer of peace, The world International Museum of 21st Century Art peace monument, PYE Ambassador Bearer of Peace, 21st World Peace through Art, 21st international peace monuments, artwork, paintings, drawings, countries, artistic inspiration, famous painters, artistic exhibitions, library, libraries, gallery, galleries, monuments, statues, inspiration, inspired arts, images, portraits, international artists, 21st international museums, student art projects, limited edition prints, world nonprofit artists museum, masters, original world art museums
Description:TIMOTCA, World Peace through Art, international peace monument, PYE the Ambassador, Bearer of Peace, international artists, international museums, student art projects