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Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation

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Description: Arranges conferences, exhibitions and art competitions for students and artists, as well as international meetings in Florence in order to promote peace among young people.
Foundation Florence - FOUNDATION ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO - International Foundation Florence of the Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco ultimo aggiornamento / last modified on © Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation
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Page title:Foundation Florence - FOUNDATION ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO - International Foundation Florence
Keywords:foundation, international meetings in florence, italian foundation, foundation in florence, art competitions in florence, grants in florence, exhibitions in florence, concerts in florence, masterclass, international project in florence, foundation for peace in the world, among young people of different countries through culture - meesting, getting acquainted, understanding each other to develop friendship among peoples
Description:Foundation in Florence. The foundation arranges international meetings for students, art competitions, exhibitions and concerts - foundation for peace in the world, among young people of different countries through culture - meesting, getting acquainted, understanding each other to develop friendship among peoples