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New York State Council on the Arts

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Scan day: 10 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Information on grants and awards, with online application forms.
New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) | A New York State Agency Dr. Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel, Llámenos al 212-459-8800 si necesita ayuda gratis en su idioma. 請給我們打電話號碼 : 212-459-8800, 要求免費的語言協助服務。
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Contact Information

Phone&Fax: 212-459-8800


Page title:New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) | A New York State Agency
Keywords:NYSCA, art, arts, artist, artists, arts organization, arts organizations, non profit, art service organization, foundation, NYFA, New York State Council on the Arts, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, NYC, New York City, New York State, Governor Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo, Cuomo, Governor Paterson, David Paterson, Paterson, Assembly, Senate, Legistlature, New York State budget, arts budget, budget, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Manhattan, The Bronx, Westchester, donor, philanthropy, grant, grants, granting, grantmaking, information, service, support for artists, money for artists, residency, residencies, art news, arts management, information and research, awards and creative development, donation, donate, donor, funding, endowment, composer, painter, sculptor, choreographer, dancer, writer, poet, architect, filmmaker, photographer, film, video, playwright, screenwriter, design, craft, crafts, computer art, digital art, printmaker, folk artist, drawing, literature, music, dance, performing art, visual art, theatre, theater, performance art
Description:A State agency dedicated to preserving and expanding the rich and diverse cultural resources of New York. | 300 Park Avenue South, 10th Floor | New York, NY 10010 | (212) 459-8800