- 463
- Barbershop Harmony Chicagoland
- A listing of Chicago area barbershop shows, events and news of interest to the barbershop community.
- 465
- HI - Area 2
- Barbershop harmony for women in Ontario East of 77.5 degrees longitude to Quebec 70 degrees longitude, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
- 466
- HI - Area 4
- Women's Barbershop Four Part Harmony in Ontario west of 85 degree longitude,Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, and Wisconsin
- 467
- LABBS - Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers
- Information on affiliated clubs and their details. Contacts and useful numbers of officials.
- 469
- SAI - Sweet Adelines International
- A worldwide organization of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education and performance.
- 470
- SAI - Atlantic Bay Mountain - Region 19
- Finding a chorus, upcoming events, important announcements and deadlines.
- 471
- SAI - Golden West - Region 21
- Choruses and quartets in southern California, western Texas, Arizona and New Mexico.
- 472
- SAI - Great Gulf Coast- Region 10
- Sweet Adelines in the gulf coast region. Upcoming events, chorus and quartet listings.
- 474
- SAI - Lake Michigan - Region 3
- The location of choruses, quartet contacts and events calendar for the female barbershop singers of the Sweet Adelines-Lake Michigan region.
- 476
- SAI - Midwest Plains - Region 7
- Home of endless skies, waving wheat and some of the best Sweet Adeline barbershop singers in the world.
- 477
- SAI - Mount 'n Shore - Region 24
- Region 24 - Where to sing Barbershop in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana.
- 478
- SAI - New Zealand - Region 35
- New Zealand chorus contacts, coming events, past champions, regional competitions, young singers foundation and young women in harmony.