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England Through 1635

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Description: Summary of English early music with links to biographies of composers from the Here Of A Sunday Morning radio program.
English music flourished under Henry VIII, owing in no small measure to his interest in it, and also under Edward VI and Mary, to reach, at the end of Elizabeth's reign, a level rarely approached thereafter. As the English grew in riches and power and acquired an increasing knowledge of the art products of the continent through the importation of foreign talent and through travel, they abandoned their temporary insularity in cultural matters and eagerly assimilated, though at a late date, the ideas and ideals of the Italian Renaissance. Tudor church music was remarkable, but it is the secular forms of English music--the madrigal, lute ayre, virginal music, and fancies for viols--that embody most richly the spirit and power of the English Renaissance. The same accumulation of intellectual and artistic force that produced Sidney, Shakespeare, Bacon, Donne, and Inigo Jones also produced
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Page title:HOASM: England Through 1635
Keywords:composers, early music, biographies, discographies, Whent, baroque, renaissance, medieval, troubadours
Description:Biographies of composers of Early Music complementing Here Of A Sunday Morning the radio program