News and Media
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- BBCi - Films
- Includes cinema reviews, competitions and films coming soon. Read interviews with Jonathan Ross.
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- Chasing the Frog
- Previews and news about upcoming films, reviews of theatrical releases, DVD information, top film lists, and a look at classic films.
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- Film Fetish
- News, reviews of film and DVD, release schedules and calendars, contests, filmmaking and industry events, multimedia, polls, and links.
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- Film Scouts
- Screens independent films and mainstream film trailers. Also includes film reviews, interviews, and articles.
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- Film Threat
- News and information on cult films, underground shorts, alternative films, and independent features. Also reviews, interviews, and details on local and international film festivals.
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- Filmjabber
- Film and DVD reviews sorted by grade, year, or title, previews of upcoming films, multimedia links, contests, and a news weblog.
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- News, trailers, reviews, interviews, rumors, feature articles, release schedules, podcasts, and forum.
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- News, reviews, previews and interviews for independent film, world cinema, documentary film and the world film festival scene.
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- Killer Movie Reviews
- Reviews of mostly independent films, as well as streaming audio of interviews with filmmakers.