Reviews and Criticism
- 82
- The Assayer
- A site for user-contributed book reviews, with a special focus on reviewing free books. All the reviews are free information, meaning that they are copyrighted by their authors, but are available for free reading and copying under a licensing agreement.
- 83
- The Book Review Repository
- Allows weblog-authors to submit book-reviews automatically. The reviews are classified by genre.
- 84
- The Virtual Bookcase
- A site which collects user reviews of books and lets people browse those reviews to see what other people think.
- 85
- Tregolwyn Book Reviews
- Independent book review site offering priority to books from small publishers, self-publishers and other new authors.
- 86
- Feminist Literary Criticism and Theory
- Literary genres, specific historical periods, pedagogical issues, politics and literature, and literary theory.
- 88
- Voice of the Shuttle: Literary Theory
- A directory of links to literary criticism and analysis on the Internet, mostly scholarly.
- 89
- Robert Teeter: The Western Canon by Harold Bolom
- Harold Bloom's Great Books lists from the appendices of his book: The Theocratic Age 2000 BCE-1321 CE, The Aristocratic Age 1321-1832, The Democratic Age 1832-1900, The Chaotic Age 20th Century.
- 90
- Stanford Presidential Lectures: Harold Bloom
- Includes biography, bibliography, several interviews, links, and lecture schedule.
- 92
- ACM Special Interest Group for Hypertext and Hypermedia and the Web
- Host of annual, international conferences since 1987. Access to full papers from the conferences in the ACM digital library, in addition to newsletters and conference information.
- 95
- Indra's Net or Hologography
- Introduction to some of the work in 'machine modulated poetry' which John Cayley has been developing since the late 1970s.
- 96
- Lisbeth Klastrup: A Study of Interactive Reading
- An MA thesis written in 1997 discussing, among other works, Joyce's afternoon, Moulthrop's Victory Garden and Gaarder's Sophie's World
- 97
- Nestvold, Ruth: The use of the second person in electronic fiction
- Essay discussing second person narration in hypertext fiction and text adventures. First presented at the IALS conference in Freiburg in 1997.