MainArtsEducationOrganizations › National Association for Fine Art Education

National Association for Fine Art Education

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Description: Features membership information, policies, news and discussions, a.g.m. reports, publications, links resource and contact details.
NAFAE: Supporting UK Art Education at BA, MA, PhD, MPhil Levels NAFAE offers a forum for the concerns and interests of Fine Art educators to be disseminated and heard. As universities and FE institutions face the challenges of a significant reduction in government funding, together with rising tuition fees, the need to represent the collective voice of the sector is as crucial as it has ever been.
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Contact Information



Page title:NAFAE: Supporting UK Art Education at BA, MA, PhD, MPhil Levels
Keywords:art, art education, art institutes, education, education and the arts, higher education, teach art
Description:NAFAE: Advocating the interest of UK Fine Art Education. For art educators, institutions and those involved in Art and design education