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The Textmapping Project.

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Description: A resource for teachers improving reading comprehension skills instruction.
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Page title:The Textmapping Project - Home
Keywords:Textmapping, text mapping, scrolls, scroll, scrolling, textmap, text map, graphic organizer, graphic organizers, differentiated instruction, learning styles, semantic map, semantic mapping, concept map, concept mapping, story map, story mapping, map, mapping, textbook skills, reading, comprehension, skills, instruction, reading comprehension, reading skills, comprehension skills, reading comprehension skills, reading skills instruction, comprehension skills instruction, reading comprehension skills instruction, improving reading, improving reading comprehension, improving comprehension, improving reading comprehension skills, improving instruction, improving reading comprehension skills instruction, strategy, strategies, reading strategy, reading strategies, strategies instruction, reading strategies instruction, reading comprehension strategies instruction, KWL, KWL+, SQ3R, WYNN, phonics, Phonics, whole language, Whole Language, think aloud, Think Aloud, metacognition, Metacognition, metacognitive strategies, Metecognitie Strategies, metacognative/questioning, Metacognitive/Questioning, self questioning, self-questioning, Self Questioning, Self-Questioning, reciprocal teaching, Reciprocal Teaching, SAIL, guided reading, Guided Reading, teachers, teaching, literacy, workshops, continuing education credits, continuing education units, professional improvement, research, researchers, homeschool, home school, homeschoolers, home schoolers, parent, parents
Description:How and why to use paper scrolls and colored markers to teach reading comprehension skills and classroom content. Improve the clarity and effectiveness of reading comprehension skills instruction. Supports a high level of differentiated instruction and a wide range of learning styles. A new approach to graphic organizers. Workshops for teachers. Continuing education credits for teachers. Continuing education units for teachers. Professional improvement.


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Creation Date: 24-Jul-2000 18:58:52 UTC
Expiry Date: 24-Jul-2014 18:58:52 UTC