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Siragas, Nikos

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Scan day: 10 February 2014 UTC
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Description: A Greek turner who demonstrates internationally. Uses local woods - olive, carob, walnut, eucalyptus and includes carving and off-centre work. Page on his own designed tools and articles he has written.
At the moment the temperature in Rethymno is:
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Page title:Nikos Siragas Woodturning
Keywords:nikos siragas, siragas, rethymno, rethymnon, crete, greece, kreta, creta, kriti, woodturning, woodcarving, gallery and workshop, gallery, woodart, wood art, wood, art, olivewood, olive wood, artistic wood, artistic woodturning, greek woodturner, woodturner, woodcarver, greek woodcarver, greek woodturner, creta woodturner, olive wood gifts, olive wood presents, wooden gifts, wooden art for sale, wood art for sale, olive wood art, christmas gifts, birthday presents, gifts from crete, gifts from greece, olive wood duck, olive wood figure, olive wood box, olive wood pendant, olive wood bowl, olive wood boat, olive wood fruit, olive wood apple, olive wood pear, wooden duck, wooden figure, wooden box, wooden pendant, wooden apple, wooden pear, wooden bowl, wooden boat, courses, woodturning courses, book, woodturning book
Description:Visit this site to see a photo gallery of turned and carved work by Nikos Siragas, an unusually talented woodturner and carver from the island of Crete, Greece. Also includes woodturning courses, his book 'From Tree to Gallery', a diary of his international demonstrations, how to find the gallery and other details