- 521
- Neelley, Kevin
- Construction details and software used. Many segmented tips and techniques. Also gallery of items for sale.
- 522
- Pritchard, Bob
- Segmented, carved, and inlaid pieces. Link to segmented turning website. How-to pages on segmentation and inlaying.
- 523
- Robinson, Bill
- A gallery of segmented items, showing various patterns and designs, including some three-dimensional effects. Also a page on the machinery he uses.
- 524
- Rodger, Jim
- Segmented vessels and hollow forms from woods native to the Western United States, accented with tropical exotics. Several articles giving tips and techniques, specifically on segmented turning.
- 526
- Smith, Gregg
- Segmented Hawaiian Koa turned bowls, vessels, urns, calabashes, and other Hawaiian works of art.