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International String Figure Association

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Scan day: 01 February 2014 UTC
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Description: The ISFA works to gather, preserve, and distribute string figure knowledge for future generations to enjoy this ancient pastime. They have a list of publications, an invitation to become a member, a mailing list, and links to related web sites. Of particular interest are the detailed instructions for making figures collected in 1924 by Diamond Jenness in the Canadian Arctic.
International String Figure Association International String Figure Association Pasadena, California, 91117 USA
Size: 111 chars

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Page title:International String Figure Association
Keywords:ISFA, ISFA Press, cat's cradle, cats cradle, string games, string figures, international string figure association, jeux de ficelle, juegos de hilo, juegos de cordel, figuras de hilo, figuras de cuerdas, fadenspiele, schnurfiguren
Description:Since 1978 members of the International String Figure Association have been working hard to gather, preserve and distribute string figure knowledge so that future generations will continue to enjoy this ancient pastime. Our publications include Bulletin of the ISFA, published annually, String Figure Magazine, issued quarterly, and ISFA News, published semi-annually.