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Johanna's Needlework Stitches

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Description: Online stitch diagrams. Stitches and tips.
      I began this set of diagrams after I looked at many of the fine web pages on embroidery and noticed a lack of a site offering diagrams of how to do some of the various embroidery stitches. All of these diagrams have been carefully drawn by me. While I am happy to have you download them for your own reference please be sure to include my name (Johanna Cormier) and the URL with them.
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Page title:Johanna's Embroidery Page
Keywords:needlework, embroidery, cross-stitch, 1/2 cross stitch, 1/4 cross stitch, 3/4 cross stitch, algerian eye stitch, alternating double back stitch, arrowhead stitch, back stitch, basketweave, berlin stitch, blanket stitch, border stitches, bosnia stitch, button hole stitch, button stitch, cable stitch, cashmere stitch, catch stitch, chain stitch, chequer stitch, chiara stitch, close herringbone stitch, close stitch, closed herringbone stitch, condensed cashmere stitch, condensed mosaic stitch, continental, convent stitch, couching stitch, crewel stitch, cross stitch, cross stitches, crossed back stitch, dense filling stitches, detatched stitches, diagonal queen stitch, diagonal rice stitch, diamond eyelet stitch, double back stitch, double cross stitch, double herringbone stitch, double leviathan stitch, double running stitch, double tied cross stitch, edging stitches, eyelet stitch, feather stitch, fishnet stitch, four sided stitch, framed double cross stitch, french dot, french knot, half cross stitch, hem stitch, hem stitches, herringbone stitch, holbein stitch, interweaving stitches, isolated stitch, isolated stitches, italian cross stitch, kelim stitch, kensington outline stitch, kloster stitch, knotted stitch, large tied cross stitch, lazy daisy stitch, line stitch, long armed cross stitch, montenegrin stitch, mosaic filling stitch, mosaic stitch, mossoul stitch, open buttonhole stitch, open filling stitches, outline stitch, outline stitches, paris stitch, parisian stitch, persian stitch, plait stitch, plaited cross stitch, plaited stitch, point de chainette, point de marque, point de sable, pulled thread stitches, queen stitch, ray stitch, rhodesian round stitch, rice grain, rice stitch, roumanian stitch, round eyelet stitch, running stitch, russian cross stitch, russian stitch, sampler stitch, satin cushion stitch, satin stitch, scotch stitch, seeding stitch, shadow stitch, side to side stem stitch, simple knot stitch, smyrna cross stitch, south kensington stitch,, speckling stitch, split stitch, square stitch, stalk stitch, star stitch, stem stitch, stitch ideas, stitch variations, straight stitches, tambour stitch, tent stitch, three sided stitch, tied cross stitch, twisted knot stitch, two-sided line stitch, two-sided stroke stitch, witch stitch, wound stitch
Description:Diagrams of various embroidery stitches.


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Creation Date: 17-mar-2000
Expiration Date: 17-mar-2015