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- Landelijke Organisatie Kant Kunst
- The official site of LOKK, the Dutch Lace Organization, contains photos of modern and classical laces created by its members. Click kantbrief to reach the gallery.
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- Miniature Bobbin Lace
- Jan, from Crete, creates miniature lace and lacemaking supplies - including a complete lace shop.
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- Steph's String Related Stuff
- Stephanie Peter's provides free bobbin lace software, stitching charts and tatting patterns, including complete illustrated instructions for cluny leaves.
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- The Lace Museum
- The site of this California museum shows current displays, workshops and classes. Also calendar of events, newsletter and patterns.
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- The Structures of Antique Lace
- Marla Mallett shares bobbin lace, needlepoint lace, and other handmade laces from her personal collection.
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- Great Lakes Lace Group Inc.
- This group sponsors teacher certifications in bobbin, tape, and tatted laces.
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- Lone Star Lacers
- This IOLI chapter's site includes a member's showcase with the works of 6 different artists, plus a crown created with combined effort. Past events are recorded and future workshops listed.
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- New England Lace Group
- Provides information on the making, collecting and studying of all laces throughout the New England area.
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- Newsgroup: Arachne
- The web server for the Arachne newsgroup organizes information as a service to the members.
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- The International Bobbin and Needle Lace Organisation provides bulletins, patterns, competitions and congresses.
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- The Lace Guild
- British Lace Guild educates on all aspects of lacemaking through their Lace Magazine and other publications, conferences, certifications, and young lacemakers program.