Wilts and Berks Canal Trust
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Scan day: 10 February 2014 UTC
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Description: A registered charity committed to the restoration of the Wilts and Berks Canal, the central section of the Wessex Waterways Network. Includes news, history, and images.
Dum tempus habemus operemur bonum [While we have time let us do good] The course of the narrow Wilts and Berks Canal lay midway between its broader counterparts, the Thames & Severn to the north and the Kennet & Avon to the south. Schemes to improve the Thames & Severn
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WHOIS | Status:OK |
Date | Created On:03-Sep-2005 00:04:00 UTC Last Updated On:18-Oct-2013 02:19:34 UTC Expiration Date:03-Sep-2014 00:04:00 UTC |