Castles of Poland
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Scan day: 10 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Information about castles presently within the Polish borders illustrated with photographs, plans, drawings, sketches and reconstructions. Search engine and detailed map are available.
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Page title: | Castles of Poland |
Keywords: | castle castles ruins poland polish castles photos pictures travel educational architecture medieval knight king old buildings heritage palace mansion chateau stronghold manor castles in poland polish castles zamki zamek ruiny ruina zabytek historia polska historia opis plan architektura |
Description: | Castles of Poland - Information about castles, ruins or stately castles, presently within the Polish borders illustrated by more than a dozen thousands of photos, plans, drawings, sketches and reconstructions. Search engine and detailed map are available. |
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Date | created: 1998.02.24 12:00:00 created: 2014.02.01 00:11:00 last modified: 2014.02.06 09:04:03 last modified: 2013.09.25 expiration date: 2017.02.01 00:11:00 |