Building Types
- 61
- Phipps Northampton Brewing Brewery Co Archive
- Provides a timeline of the brewery and old photographs of related pubs and off-licenses.
- 62
- Pub History
- Simon Fowler explains how to research the history of a public house. Includes a bibliography and a checklist of clues from the physical structure.
- 63
- Reynolds Tavern
- This Georgian tavern in Annapolis, Maryland, is one of the oldest in the United States and has been restored to its former use. Includes history, description and photographs.
- 64
- The London Public House
- Lists data from census returns and trade directories on thousands of pubs, beer houses, taverns and hotels in London, Essex, Kent and Suffolk over the last 200 years. It includes a few images.
- 65
- The Mermaid Inn
- Built in 1420 as the principal inn of Rye, on the south coast of England, the Mermaid is a jettied timber structure. Includes brief history and images.
- 66
- The Mission Inn
- This National Historic Landmark Hotel in Riverside, California is an astonishing assemblage of exotic architecture. Includes a history and virtual tour.
- 67
- Bodleian Library
- Oxford University's page about its main research library, one of the oldest in Europe and which today consists of the buildings on the central site and nine other libraries.
- 68
- Carnegie Libraries of Scotland
- An illustrated guide by Gerry Blaikie to the architecture and history of libraries funded by Andrew Carnegie in Scotland.
- 69
- Designing Libraries - Library Buildings Online
- A database of descriptions and images of recent UK public library building projects. A resource for sharing expertise and experience on library planning and design.
- 70
- Glasgow University Library
- An illustrated timeline of one of the largest libraries in the United Kingdom, with its origins in the Middle Ages, but now housed in a building of the 1960s.
- 71
- McLennan Library Building
- A seven-storey reinforced concrete structure built in 1969 at the McGill campus in Montreal and designed by Dobush, Stewart, and Bourke. Description and photographs.
- 72
- Wikipedia: Biblioteca Joanina
- The Baroque library of the University of Coimbra, built in the 18th century. An illustrated description from the collaborative online encyclopedia.
- 73
- Wikipedia: Bibliotheca Alexandrina
- This huge modern library in Egypt designed by Norwegian architects Snøhetta, commemorates the famous ancient Library of Alexandria. An illustrated description from the collaborative online encyclopedia.
- 74
- Wikipedia: Danish Royal Library
- An illustrated description with a link to a Wikimedia Commons thumbnail gallery of images of the new (1999) 'Black Diamond' library extension building designed by the Danish architects Schmidt, Hammer and Lassen.
- 75
- Anatomy of a Lighthouse
- Information on materials, lantern room and optics, with cut-away diagram of lighthouse side view.
- 76
- Dan's Lighthouse Page
- Former member of U.S. Coast Guard provides lighthouse history, the basics on aids to navigation, and other subjects.
- 77
- Historic Lighthouse Preservation Handbook
- Published by the US Government as a practical aid to maintenance of historic lighthouses. Explains the materials and construction techniques used in different types of lighthouse.
- 78
- Lighthouse Digest
- Electronic version of the international lighthouse magazine. Includes photographs, features, news, tours, cruises and the Doomsday List of endangered lighthouses. Archive of past issues.