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The Wager of a Militant Surrealist

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Description: Review from the Slavic Research Center of The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia film, an overview of his country's history after the Second World War.
The Wager of a Militant Surrealist On Jan Svankmajer's The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia The Wager of a Militant Surrealist On Jan Svankmajer's The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia In 1990, the year after the "Velvet Revolution" in Czechoslovakia, Jan Svankmajer made The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia and subtitled it "A work of Agitprop." As these titles plainly demonstrate, it is the most political of all his films, attempting an overview of his country's history after the Second World War. It is commonly believed that overt political comment within a work can badly affect its artistic value. The complexity and sophistication of artistic language is too often weakened when faced with the simplicity of political vocabulary. Accordingly, from the standpoint of the work of art, the relationship between art and politics is extremely delicate. Despite this, Svankmajer made an explicitly political film. Did he sacrifice the artistic value? If so, to what end? And what significance does the film have to its creator?
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Page title:The Wager of a Militant Surrealist On Jan Svankmajer's The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia
Keywords:Wakagi Akamatsu