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International HIV/AIDS Alliance

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Description: A development organisation which works in developing countries to support their response to AIDS.
International HIV/AIDS Alliance - Supporting community action on HIV, health and rights to end AIDS
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Page title:International HIV/AIDS Alliance - Supporting community action on HIV, health and rights to end AIDS
Keywords:Alliance, HIV, AIDS, community action, developing countries, HIV, AIDS, Alliance, AIDS Alliance, International HIV AIDS Alliance, Africa, Asia, Caribbean, LAC, Latin America, Eastern Europe, central asia, secretariat, linking organisations, CBO, NGO, community-based, joining alliance, HIV prevention, HIV treatemnt, HIV treatment, VCT, Human rights, TB, sexual health, reproductive health, SRH, drug use, injecting drug use, IDU, children, orhphans, vulnerable children, OVC, GIPA, people living with HIV, CSS, HSS, community system strengthening, health sysytem strenghtening, livelihoods, campaigns, HIV prevention campaign, whats preventing prevention, robing hood tax, bankers tax, born HIV free, PMTCT, MSM, gay men, gay women, lesbians, bisexual, transgender, men who have sex with men, AfGH, action for global health, Commonwelath, MDGs, MDG 4, MDG 5, MDG 6, millenium development goals, Alliance strategy, HIV case studies, TB case studies, SRH case studies, HIV policy, HIV advocacy, Alliance publications, HIv publications, HIV info, AIDS info, hubs, HIV technincal support, Alliance hubs, pepal, Allaince news, media centre, journalists, alliance grants, blog, HIV columnists, HIV opinion, loop, Alliance loop, HIV newsletter, KC, key correspondents, positive lives, HIV photography, HIV history, Alliance history, Global fund, DFID, UKAID, CIDA, SIDA, NORAD, DANIDA, AECID, Irish AID, AUsAID, SDC, Global Fund
Description:Welcome to the new Alliance website. Find out about our work supporting community action on AIDS in developing countries.