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PETRALGA (Permian & Triassic Algae) Project

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Description: The Project was launched in order to build a solid database for the fossil Algae from the Permian and Triassic epochs. A main going-on sub-project deals with a catalogue for the Dasycladales.
The PETRALGA (PErmian and TRiassic ALGAe) Project e). This Project was initiated at the end of 1990 in order to provide useful paleontologic tools for both scientific institutions and industry. As the first main project, an exhaustive catalogue of Dasycladalean algae from the Permian and Triassic systems is in preparation, for these periods were the apogee of this Order with about
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Page title:The PETRALGA (PErmian and TRiassic ALGAe) Project
Keywords:fossils, calcareous green algae, Dasycladales, systematics, taxonomy, Permian, Triassic, geosciences, geology, paleontology, stratigraphy
Description:Bruno GRANIER and colleagues launched the PETRALGA Project in order to build a solid database for the fossil Algae from the Permian and Triassic epochs. A main going-on sub-project deals with a catalogue for the Dasycladales.